USV – Messages Sages and Ages


The present paper investigates one of the forms of expression and manifestation belonging to popular religiosity, the superstitions, practices through which people get into disagreement with their self and with the ideology advanced by institutions whose declared mission is to investigate and overcome man’s spiritual condition, the Church. There will be looked into, on the one hand, the major types of superstitions that the Romanians have according to a number of variables (ages, gender, education) and, on the other hand, the categories of conflict generated by the superstitious behaviour.

Monica Bilauca


Dr Monica Bilauca is Lecturer in Romanian at the Stefan cel Mare University, Suceava, Romania. Her work focuses on Romanian language studies and the sociology of language and public relations. She has published several books: Termeni creştini în frazeologia românească, University of Suceava Publishing House, 2008; Dicţionar frazeologic de termeni reprezentativi, Pim Publishing House, Iaşi, 2014; Neologismul în frazeologia românească, Presa Universitară Clujeană Publishing House, 2015. The same year, Monica Bilauca and Gheorghe Moldoveanu co-authored Evoluţia limbii române de la origini până în secolul al XV-lea, Casa Cărţii de Ştiinţă Publishing House, Cluj, 2015.

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